Leman Expat Fair

2 posts

SCC at Léman Expat Fair 2015

On 1 November 2015, SCC was present as an exhibitor at the Annual Léman Expat Fair. The Fair has been successfully connecting people with English-speaking businesses since 2007 and we partnered with them since 2008. The SCC team (Diana Ritchie, Celine Beaurain-Casami and Andrea Delannoy) was present along with our […]

SCC at Leman Expat Fair

Come again and visit our stand on November 4th for the the 2012 Annual Léman Expat Fair. The Fair has been successfully connecting people with English-speaking businesses since 2007 and we partnered with them since 2008. It’s a FUN and INFORMATIVE day out for the international community AND . . […]