When, How, Where?

When should I begin?

We make this recommendation to spouses who want to:

  • benefit from preparing a CV and other required documents prior to arrival
  • benefit from a career evaluation
  • begin the process of degree recognition
  • want the opportunity to strengthen their CV through courses taken while still at home
  • begin job searching prior to arrival
  • secure a job prior to leaving job at home.

Those who prefer to wait until you have arrived and settled yourself and your family can equally benefit from early collaboration with SCC, for a career evaluation, managing your expectations and benefiting from support for yourself, while you are supporting your family.

An international relocation is a major event that often requires the supporting partner to take on the role of organiser.  Deciding to wait until you and your family are settled in your new home before you begin your career continuation remains a popular option.

You should clearly communicate your wishes to your Relocation partner, before, during and after your relocation. Keep in mind that you have one year from the date of arrival of your partner to begin the Spouse Career Program.

How does it happen?

Once connected to SCC through your Relocation partner we will make arrangements to speak with you over the phone and to meet you. Once you have decided to work with SCC, your partner is required to make this choice known to your relocation partner so the required paper work is completed. Once the form is duly signed we can begin our work together.

You will be assigned a coach from our team of professional career coaches. Your coach will be your main contact and your partner during your time with SCC, while the SCC team also supports you. Your coach will work with you through one on one coaching sessions which occur face to face, through emails and phone calls. We provide a job search manual and tailor made examples, in addition to assessments and tools. It is important that you retain ownership of your job search, of your business venture or of your education search.

We organise breakfast information meetings, where a member of the team, a SCC alumni or an interesting speaker is invited to share relevant knowledge. Upon completion of the SCC program you are automatically an SCC alumni, where we encourage continued networking opportunities.

Where do we meet?

We meet at our Lausanne Office:
Rue Marterey 38, 1005 Lausanne
Or by special arrangement in Vevey.

Read more:  Testimonials