Employability Assessment Report


Employability Assessment ReportWe will carry out extensive research on your behalf to produce a report which provides an assessment on the different options available to you and to lay the foundation for your professional orientation in the local employment market.

This service is beneficial to those who are deciding upon a relocation to Switzerland and want to know what employment opportunities there might be for them. As such we are able to perform this service at a distance while you are still in your home country.

A PERFECT HIRING TOOL FOR COMPANIES that want to attract the best talent, increase retention rates, increase post-hire productivity, and increase internal mobility of their associates.

A PERFECT DECISION MAKING TOOL FOR INDIVIDUALS who want to manage their relocation expectations to determine their employment possibilities in Switzerland or who want to return to the workforce after an absence and want to know their employment possibilities.

The process involves 3 stages:

(1) An initial interview with you to:

  • Assess career needs and expectations as compared to the local job market
  • Discuss the value of your transitional skills/quality of your resume for the Swiss market

(2) We carry out extensive research on your behalf

via internet search, contacting industry specialist and potential employers to establish a snapshot of the local employment market for your career at the present time. We produce a report which covers areas such as general situation, skills and assets, limitations, possibilities (including advise on education/training/certificate recognition) and target companies, with open jobs, useful websites and information included.

(3) A final discussion with you to:

  • Cover the contents of the report and answer any questions
  • Give any additional guidance required and determine the next step